Composer Kirill Shirokov on Orphic Games. Punk-macrame
3 July 2018

Kirill Shirokov: At present Orphic Games is the most important project involving collaboration that I have engaged in, and every collaborative project is more important to me than, for example, sound material, because collaboration primarily means connection with a person. I suspect that art doesn’t so much consist of material, as of this connection of trends. Naturally, Orphic Games is incredible precisely because 100 various trends came together in a single stream and found each other. This was not a case of presentations and disputes, but a big, two-year period of a common search that was initiated by each of the participants in their own way. This big dialogue for 100 people, from which such a large structure has grown, is in fact not only a new model for a form of theatre, or a work of art in principle, but - and this is important - it is a new model of dialogue. It is a new model, because if we recall other major composer-based projects, say, Stockhausen’s Licht (seven operas) or Wagner's tetralogy, we see they all have a centralizing figure in them.

Read the entire interview

See also: 

Dmitri Kourliandski on Orphic games

Vladimir Gorlinski on Orphic games