Actually: news, articles, rehearsals
30 December 2017
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin recently presented state awards and Moscow city awards for achievements in various lines of work. For his great contribution to the development of culture and for his many years of creative work, Boris Yukhananov, artistic director of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, was awarded the title Honored Worker of the Arts of the City of Moscow.
24 December 2017
Photos Luchinel Ainuriel
If there were a backstage in performances of The Golden Ass, we would call this series of photos by Luchinel Ainuriel Backstage at The Golden Ass. But the whole point of the Open-circuited Workspace is that it is open, which blurs such boundaries as “backstage.” Here you will find photographs of compositions, modules, discussions, actors and, of course, "consumer contributors,” that is, spectators.
3 December 2017
Boris Yukhananov is not only a director, but also a theatre theorist. He lectures regularly at various venues in Moscow and other cities. In his talks, Yukhananov touches upon his own strategies for creativity, on real-life problems in the making of theatre, and on general theoretical and methodological questions of art. Several lectures are now published in the archive in dual versions: video for those who like to watch; text transcriptions for those who prefer to read.